Syria Daily News Bulletin

Thursday, July 22, 2021


a. General Syria News

Regime’s news agency SANA said Israel bombed at an early hour on Thursday dawn Syrian military positions near Qusair area in the west of Homs. The agency said the bombing left only some damage in infrastructure. Opposition media sources said the bombing targeted arm depots owned by Hezbollah and destroyed them.

b. Regime-held Territory

Unknown gunmen assassinated on Wednesday Mamun Jbawi, a former rebel commander in the city of Jasem in Dara in the south of Syria. Jbawi was one of those rebels who chose to stay in their homes in Dara province after rebel groups reached a surrender agreement with the regime in 2018.

c. HTS-held Northwest Syria (Idlib, northern Hama, Northern Latakia, western Aleppo)

Regime forces fired heavy artillery on Iblin village in Jabal Al Zawya mountain in the south of Idlib on Thursday morning. The bombing left seven civilians killed. Among the victims were three children and one woman.
Russian warplanes bombed an open area close to a Turkish military post in the Al Bara village in the same area. Smoke plumes were seen covering the Turkish base, but there were no reports of casualties.

d. Turkish Influence Territory (Afrin, Azaz, Al Bab, Jarablus, Tal Abyad, Ras Al Ayn)

Regime media sources accused “the Turkish occupation forces and its mercenaries” of bombing civilian targets on the frontlines with the regime forces in northern and eastern Aleppo. The bombing left damage in infrastructure on Thursday. However, one civilian was killed and three were wounded in a similar bombing near Manbij on Wednesday.

e. SDF-held Northeast Syria (Most of Raqqa and Hasaka, part of Deir Ezzor, parts of Aleppo: Manbij, Ayn Al Arab\Kobani, Tal Rifa’at.)

An SDF unit, supported by the International Coalition Warplanes, raided a house used by ISIS in the village of Khirbet Al Jamous in Hasaka. The ground attack failed, so the coalition warplanes bombed the houses, turning it into rubble and killing three people who were inside.

f. ISIS Update

One regime officer was killed in a suspected ISIS’ attack on his car in the Al Badia desert in Deir Ezzor in the east of Syria.

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